Project Description
Real Ice Crystals is an Open Access database that brings together microphysical and angular light scattering properties of real atmospheric ice crystals. The microphysical information is based on stereo-microscopic high-resolution bright-field images of single ice particles that have been analyzed for the particle size and shape. For the same particle its angular light scattering function is recorded. The data is recorded using the Particle Habit Imaging and Polar Scattering (PHIPS) instruments that has been operated in several airborne scientific missions.
Currently, the available data sets consist of ice particles measured in three airborne field campaigns (please see data origin). These campaigns targeted mixed-phase clouds in the Arctic and in the Southern Ocean and cirrus clouds in tropical storms. More data sets will be updated after future PHIPS deployments.
Anyone can view the data but we ask for registration for downloading datasets.
Real Ice Crystals Team
The database is operated by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) with support by schnaiTEC GmbH.